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Pain & Sufferings
Saturday, February 19, 2011

Everyone of us have definitely tasted pain and sufferings.
Be it small or big.
Be it important to us or not.
Be it directly pointed to us or went around the bush.

When all of this happened,
At that moment,
Do you ever ask yourself why you're going through it?
Wondering where did you make the mistake that brought you to all of these.

Or why do you have to feel it and go through it.
Do you deserve all of it?

Sure, for a person that have only do bad things in his/her life,
They totally deserve all of those.
Who knows? That after going through it, they will change?

Everyone feels pain.
Once more, I should say, it's a given.
But definitely,
I'm sure of it, after all those hard time, painful feelings and sufferings,
There will come a time in which satisfaction will emerge.

One can't tell when satisfaction will come,
But, believe and it will knock on your door.

Isn't it nice to just give up and raise your hands to pain and sufferings?
It's tiring and tough to struggle to keep afloat in the ocean of sorrow, isn't it?
However, have you thought of overcoming it?

If we can beat those pain & suffering,
On the other side, a rainbow full of happiness awaits us.
That's something that I want to believe in.

it's 11:49 PM now

these feelings..
Saturday, November 7, 2009

Are you struggling to know and trying to accept your feelings?
Why do us, humans are given 'feelings' ?

Is your answer going to be,
"Because its human nature."
"Because we're unique?"
"Because we are living beings and not a table?"

I think its the most common problem there is.
Most of the time we deny, avoid and hide our feelings.

Wouldn't life be easier if we have the heart and soul of a book?
Was it a mere chance or was it all planned from the start?

Should we feel grateful and happy because we have feelings?
Should we feel disappointed by it?

When we know that those feelings make us angry, happy and sad?

Some might say that feelings make them happy,
That is the reason why they are okay with having it.
But, what about the time where feelings makes you sad?

Feelings that can't reach a person,
Feelings that doesn't even get noticed,
Feelings that are overflowing that you didn't even know what to do with them?

When people doesn't express themselves,
They are called as 'dull and boring'
Nonetheless, who would want to be called as 'attractive and fun',
If they have to sacrifice,
Feeling sad and hurt because of the feelings that they have?
Just so that they are called 'attractive and fun',
Hurting themselves even further.

Having no feelings might look good on the outside,
But, wouldn't we feel empty or missing something if we do?

Is the solution to all of this is by accepting?
Should we take a break from our feelings?
Is it even worth it?

it's 3:59 AM now

Sunday, October 25, 2009

When someone don't know about anything that had happened,
They refused to change their mind.
So strongly they refused.
No matter how hard we tried.

Yet, once they know about the truth,
They might changed their opinion.

The first thing that struck in our mind is,
"Why do they changed it?"
"Are they pitying in me?"
That are what our normal reactions are.

It's okay to suspect.
But, why don't you try looking this word 'pity' from another completely different view than what you used to?

Even if that is so,
There's nothing wrong with pitying, isn't it?

Pitying is taking other's pain and sadness,
And treating it as your own.

So, shouldn't we be thanking that person instead?

it's 6:21 AM now

letting go...
Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Letting go can be one of the most terrifying experience we have.
We all know that letting go is hard,
Especially if it involve ourselves.
Be it letting go of addiction, lost of loved ones or even relationship.

Letting go means you're accepting that,
There's nothing else for you to change the past.
It also means that you are aware of your own thoughts.

One thing that people might think of,
Even if you are able to go back to the past.
You wouldn't be able to do anything different,
Because that's just who you are.
Another chance might not be able to revert,
Or change the big picture that you sought after.
So, is letting go the only answer?

We let go because we're sure that everything's going to be better.
We let go because we're sure that its for our own best interest.
And even if we are in the middle of something that screams at us to hang on to it.
We might feel that its all not worth it.
And that it better for us to let go,
Accepting the fact that you don't want to make it worse any longer.

Life is not about coincidences,
Whatever that happened in the present were caused by something that we did in the past.

However, even if we try to let go,
Putting it aside,
determined and promised ourselves not to think about it,
it will still comes back.

it's 4:57 PM now

forever friends..
Sunday, July 19, 2009

There are different types of recipes in this world.
All ranging from easy to difficult.
But have you ever encounter on an easy recipe of ‘Forever Friends’ ?

In this world, do you believe in what ‘Forever Friends’ is?
Have you ever dreamed of having your very own ‘Forever Friends’ ?

A friend that will always be in your heart no matter where you go.
And not just anyone that you have a good relationship with,
That you met in your high school, college, university or even childhood days.

'Forever Friends' are the ones that make you laugh,
Wipes you tears before it reaches your cheeks.
'Forever Friends' can also be closer than a sister/brother or even your relatives.
They will listen to everything that you’ve to say even if its insignificant to them.

‘Forever Friends’ also means that I’ll always be there for as long as you live,
Never to leave you, and even if they can’t be with us,
We’re still the one closest to them!

‘Forever’ can be a very long time.
‘Forever’ can also be a joy one felt for a short time and then losing it.

‘Friends comes and go’ that’s what they said.
We don’t forget but people fade easily, that’s the painful truth.

Friends who enter our life,
Always have a reason for that.
Some might stay longer than the other,
Once they achieve their certain goals,
Spending through our teenage years together.
But what can we do other than embracing the memories that we have?

The word ‘Friendship’ is believable,
But sometimes things don’t come out as expected.

Can someone tell me what’s the point of making friends, pledging that undying friendships and putting in so much effort and time maintaining it when its not going to last?

it's 6:44 PM now

Sunday, July 12, 2009

The word itself might seemed to be frightening,
But it actually is not that bad.

Everyone changes.
Be it everyday, hour, minutes or even second.
Those changes,
One might not even noticed it,
But to others, its an obvious thing.

We are afraid of it because we never experienced it before.
But, once you've experienced it,
It just feel like as if nothing ever happened.

Maybe if all those changes are too much for you,
Take a breather and think positively.

Its okay to take small steps at a time,
There isn't a need for you to rush,
Cause you've got all the time in the world.

Being yourself is the most important thing.
Yes, people can tell you that they might be unhappy of certain things about you,
Listen to them,
And if you think it make sense, why not change?

However, if just because of changing,
You're not your 'true self'
Isn't it better if you don't change in the first place?
Because it means that you lost yourself.

Changing is a necessity.
Cause we are what we have created.
We keep on looking for the right answers,
For us to be a better person,
Asking ourselves each day , 'Am I happy with what I've become?'

Changes also means we change the way we think and act.
We can't keep things the same old way and expect that life will be different.

it's 11:40 PM now

hanging on..
Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Have you ever found something,
That you really want to hang on to no matter what?
Be it something that you recently know or not.

All of us know that hanging on is never an easy job.
The first thing we all do is always trying to hold on to it.
Thinking of ways to work it all out,
Asking people's ideas and opinions.

Even if we know that its hard,
We hang on and hang on,
Hoping that all of it will be much better,
But little did we know that hanging on is such a tiring thing.

If we persevere and try to make everything better,
Will we get what we want?

When we hang on,
We clenched our teeth and hands,
In order to appear normal in front of everyone,
While we smile, laughed because of their jokes,
Through our frozen faces and eyes,
Its all just to make others and ourselves feel comfortable.
Confirming their suspicions.

However, once we know of the result that we will get,
We will think differently,
And starts to give up,
Thinking that its all the best for us,
But is it really true?

it's 12:58 PM now


u can think tat im a complicated kind of girl..
people noe tat im a 'lil insane..
theres nothing more i love other den being me..
i dont really like 2 talk..
though i hate 2 be alone..

To be honest and true to myself To know what I want in life To take things slow

the hp that's used in LOLLIPOP - 2NE1 & BIG BANG song~!


Music Playlist at MixPod.com

  • Heni
  • Indah
  • Nanthini
  • Huiying
  • Fareen
  • Felicia
  • Darryl
  • Afif
  • Jannah
  • June
  • Tee Hou
  • Susan
  • Hui Shan

    June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 October 2009 November 2009 February 2011

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